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Private Classes

You would like to do a class with your group of friends just for yourselves? Maybe you even have a precise idea of what you would like to learn—and what you are less interested in? Then a private class is just the right thing for you!

Private classes can be held for groups of 4 couples (8 people) or more. From one lesson of 60 minutes to long-running classes with lessons of 75 minutes, a very flexible arrangement is possible—also other formats can be realised! The following general conditions apply as a guideline:

  • Minimum number of participants: 8 persons (4 couples)
  • Base Price per person: CHF 30 per 60' of course duration
  • Discounts: CHF 2 per 60' each for students and active members of TC Academia; cumulative
  • Additional “quantity discounts” for groups of 12 or more participants (6 couples)
  • Special conditions are negotiable for package requests from organisations such as clubs for larger groups (> 12 participants)
  • Cancellation is generally possible up to 21 days before the start of the course at the latest

We will be happy to discuss and agree the details on your request to !

Support Us

We are always happy to welcome new contributors, either

  • as a sporadic or regular helper,
  • in the organisation of events,
  • as an active or passive member,
  • in the management of the association,
  • or otherwise!

Please contact us via Telegram at @tcacademia or by e-mail at , we look forward to hearing from you!


If you would like to support our activities financially, we would be grateful for a donation in favour of the association:

Via e-Banking to Tanzclub Academia, 8610 Uster
IBAN: CH49 0900 0000 1531 2850 8

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