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Our Teachers & Trainers

Club Teachers & Trainers

in alphabetical order by first name

Axel Bomhauer-Beins

Dance Teacher

Main Occupation
El. Eng. MSc ETH; PhD • Project Manager and Safety Engineer

Dance Teaching
Dance Teacher and Trainer, self-employed and employed (since 2017)

Tanzvereinigung Schweiz (TVS)

Dance teacher training according to ISTD/IDTA (ongoing) / Competitive Standard Dancing (until 2021) / Cuban Style Latin / Ballroom Dancing

Partner dancing, especially ballroom dancing in a social setting, is my great passion, which I would like to pass on as a teacher and trainer. I want to enable my couples to have a common, enjoyable experience of movement on the dance floor. I therefore place particular emphasis on a holistic approach to all aspects, whereby a solid foundation is a prerequisite for any development.

Viera Klasovitá

Senior Teaching Assistant

Main Occupation
Doctoral Student ETHZ

Dance Teaching
Assistant Dance Teacher since 2019: Tanzquotient (2019–2020), DanceZouk (2019–2021), Tanzclub Academia (since 2020)


Regular dance classes in Standard and Latin since 2018 (incl. private trainings and lessons since 2022), about 2 years of dance classes in Zouk as well as technique classes at DanceZouk.

I started dancing in 2011 in the dance group of my high school, where I learned tap dancing for six years. During my mathematics studies at ETH, I discovered ballroom dancing, which I continue to pursue. Dancing not only offers me a balance to my studies/doctorate, but also allows me to make new contacts. As an assistant at ETH, I discovered my joy of teaching early on and gladly took the opportunity to work with the Academia Zurich dance club. This job allows me to share my passion for dance and deepen my own knowledge.


Associated Teachers (freelance teachers and partners)

in alphabetical order by first name (if a listing has been approved)

Rolf Schneider

Senior Dance Teacher

Main Occupation
Dance teacher for Social Dancing, Ballroom Dancing and Argentine Tango

Dance Teaching
Dance teacher and trainer, self-employed and employed since 1975

swissdance, Dance Teachers Association of Switzerland

Ballroom Fellow and Latin Licentiate in London (ISTD); Social Dancing in Zurich; Argentine Tango in Buenos Aires; Diploma Trainer I & II TANZ at Magglingen Sports University

For me, partner dancing is the highly developed art of sharing movements to music with another person while enjoying the rhythm and melody. I see it as a language—a tactile form of communication with a clear division of roles. That's why I emphasise learning to lead and follow in my lessons


Faculty Involvement

We are always interested in meeting fascinating personalities to expand our teaching team and our offer. Although we do not currently have a vacancy advertised, we look forward to receiving interest from those with profiles as per the descriptions that follow. Maybe we can even tailor a course to the trainer? We can be very flexible, especially on a fee or cooperation basis.

As a Trainer or Dance Teacher

We expect: Passion for partner dancing. Flair for teaching and working with people. Good knowledge of ballroom dancing and the dance scene as well as related areas such as social etiquette. Teaching experience as a dance teacher; internationally recognised training and competition experience are an advantage. Willingness to teach the English Ballroom style. Willingness to develop personally and professionally. Willingness to train assistants on the job. A certain degree of flexibility.

We offer: Opportunities to actively inspire people to dance. The chance to actively participate and build up our own programmes. An exciting, dynamic and challenging environment. A qualification-dependent, market-oriented salary system. Flexibility, willingness to talk and support to the best of our ability. Free attendance at association courses for professional development. Wherever possible, teaching in teams of teachers and assistants.

As an Assistant Dance Teacher

We expect: Enthusiasm for partner dancing. Flair for teaching and working with people. Good knowledge of partner dancing, ideally also of the dance scene and related areas. Willingness for personal and professional development. A certain basic degree of flexibility.

We offer: An assistant position (apprenticeship). An exciting, dynamic and challenging environment. Opportunities to be involved in shaping the future. Free attendance at association offers for professional development. Flexibility, willingness to talk and support to the best of our ability.

Support Us

We are always happy to welcome new contributors, either

  • as a sporadic or regular helper,
  • in the organisation of events,
  • as an active or passive member,
  • in the management of the association,
  • or otherwise!

Please contact us via Telegram at @tcacademia or by e-mail at , we look forward to hearing from you!


If you would like to support our activities financially, we would be grateful for a donation in favour of the association:

Via e-Banking to Tanzclub Academia, 8610 Uster
IBAN: CH49 0900 0000 1531 2850 8